11/09/23 @ 10:00am –
11/09/23 @ 12:00pm
Training Room
Mammen Family Public Library
Registration Encouraged
Registration for this program is encouraged, but not required.
The library makes every effort to ensure a welcoming and accessible environment. We can provide accommodations for people with disabilities or food allergies at library events. Please contact programs@mfplibrary.org at least seven days before the event to request accommodations.
Age Guidelines
Successful library programs are designed with age in mind. Please note this program’s age guidelines will be enforced for all active participants.
Registration is required.
Calling all ukulele players! Join us for this informal get together with other ukulele players as we practice our tunes, share playing tips, and introduce attendees to new music.
If you would like to introduce new music to the group during this play-along session, please bring a copy of the chords and lyrics and be prepared to lead the group!
You are welcome to bring your own ukulele to this play-along session or use one of the library’s ukuleles.
All skill levels welcome, but some prior experience playing the ukulele is needed in order to join these play-along sessions. This group is not led by an instructor, and there is no formal ukulele instruction presented during these sessions.