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How to get a MFP Library card

Who can get a card?
Residents in the Library District boundaries and in the zip codes adjacent to the Library District receive free library cards. The following zip codes can receive a free MFPL library card: 78004, 78006, 78015, 78027, 78070, 78132, 78133, 78163, 78260, 78261, 78266, 78606, 78623
If you do not live in the approved zip codes, you may receive a library card for a fee of $50.
Students attending Comal ISD schools may receive a student passport card. Find out more about our Student Passport card on the Teen page of the website.
Service shall not be denied or abridged because of religious, racial, physical, social, economic or political status.
Borrowing privileges must be updated annually in order to maintain accurate records.
Documents required to receive an MFP library card
To receive a borrower’s card, please come to the library with the following:
- A photo identification (a Texas Driver’s License, Student ID, military ID, or employer ID)
- Verification of current address such as checkbook, voter’s registration card, a utility bill, or mail with a recent postmark.
- Temporary residents living in the District boundaries may obtain a free card with proof of identity and a rental agreement showing the term of the rental. The card will expire at the end of the rental term.
Approved Free BARLD/MFPL Card Zip Codes
Approved free card zip codes are: 78004, 78006, 78015, 78027, 78070, 78132, 78133, 78163, 78260, 78261, 78266, 78606, 78623
Non-Resident Cards
- A picture ID with current residential address and
- A postmarked letter showing current residency
Youth Under 18 With Parent
A parent or guardian must have his/her own borrowing card in good standing and give permission for the child to borrow materials. The parent or guardian accepts full responsibility for the minor and any damaged or lost materials and fees.
Local Area Students Under 18 Without a Parent/Guardian
MFPL Borrowing Privileges
Regular card holders may borrow up to 30 items per card which includes:
- 5 new books (2 week loan period)
- 5 audio books (2 week loan period)
- 10 dvds (1 week loan period)
- 2 Express books (1 week loan period)
- Access to downloadable digital resources
We do not charge overdue fees but your account will be blocked as soon as the items are overdue and your account will reflect that you owe for the total amount of the overdue materials. If you fail to return the materials within 60 days of their due date, you will have to pay the entire amount plus a processing fee. We will attempt to notify at your preferred means 4 times before your account will be sent to collections so please ensure we have your correct information.
TexShare Cards
MFPL TexShare Card Policy
The TexShare Card Program is a reciprocal borrowing program sponsored by the Texas State Library and Archives. Participating libraries may issue their patrons a TexShare card, which may be used to borrow materials directly from any other participating TexShare library.
In order to be issued a TexShare card from the Mammen Family Public Library (MFPL), patrons must:
- Have a current MFPL resident or non-resident full year library membership for a period of at least three months
- Be over the age of 18
- Have a clear borrowing record with no outstanding fees, fines or disputed items
TexShare cards are issued for up to one year and will expire one year from the date the Texshare card is issued. The patron must come into the library when the card expires to have a new one issued if their account is in good standing. TexShare cardholders who owe fines or fees to other TexShare libraries will be blocked from borrowing materials from our library until all fines or fees are cleared from their record.
Non-residents who present a valid TexShare card from another participating library, and who are not on the state list of revoked TexShare cards, may apply for a TexShare library card for the Mammen Family Public Library at no additional charge. This card will be limited to five (5) items allowed to be checked out at a time which can include 2 DVDs and 2 audiobooks, but does not include digital resources and will not be eligible for interlibrary loan or patron request services. Library privileges will be offered until the date of expiration on the TexShare card. Cards without an expiration date will not be honored.